How Does Dynamics 365 Business Central Increase SMB Productivity?

How Does D365 Business Central Increase SMB Productivity?

Are you a small business owner who has built your company from scratch? Then your life may revolve around its day-to-day operations. However, as your business grows, it may get harder to keep a tab on all the complex business processes. Switching from basic accounting software to switching back and forth between your accounting software, CRM and even other solutions to keep your inventory and production under check may not be the kind of future that you imagined for yourself when you founded your business.

Assuming that you may be going through the same, this daily back-and-forth tiring routine may affect your business and diminish your contributions to it. The rigorous process of entering data manually multiple times a day in the absence of an integrated system could be a major waste of your precious time. This lack of efficiency often holds you back from scaling your company.

This is where D365 Business Central steps in. It will not only help you keep up with the pace of your business growth but also do it successfully. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can help you bypass administrative tasks as it gets integrated into the cloud. Meanwhile, you could focus on the big picture, foster a growth-oriented environment for your team and take care of your customers.

Here are some insights into Dynamics 365 Business Central that can make your business expand beyond horizons.

4 ways how D365 Business Central enhances productivity

1. Bridges people, processes, and system

D365 Business Central is an ERP software that integrates your business and processes with your employees to ensure efficiency. For instance, if your employees have been lately spending a lot of time on manual data entry or constantly checking in on software, this can diminish their productivity, not to mention it can lead to a lot of errors too.

Dynamics 365 Business Central is capable of automatically pulling up systems and processes to manage all operations – from financials and sales to service – from one centralized platform. If there’s a third-party application in the mix, such as payroll, banking, CRM or any other industry-specific application, D365 Business Central can easily integrate them too.

You can also seamlessly integrate the software with Office 365, which will help you manage it all – from quote to cash within Outlook. By reducing time spent switching between standalone apps and breaking down internal silos, your business is sure to achieve new milestones.

2. Enables remote work, any time

The flexibility of D365 Business Central is that it will give you access to the same capabilities across all devices and browsers, be it your laptop, phone, desktop or tablet.

Here’s a scenario to show how it works:

  • You are working from home and you receive an email from an important customer seeking urgent assistance in getting an order delivered within a few hours. If your company is using Business Central, you will be able to find all the information you need to make a quick decision without coordinating with other departments or searching other systems
  • You check the inventory from your phone and realize that you do not have enough stock to fulfill the order.
  • But no worries, you can create and send a purchase order to the vendor and a quote to your customer from the same interface.
  • Now that you can access your business data safely from anywhere, it enables your business to function efficiently. Even if it means you are absent at the office. This mobility is what enabled many businesses to stay afloat during the pandemic as employees can stay at home and do the work without any shortcomings. Regardless of any external challenges, the facility to work from home helps businesses thrive.

3. Better customer interactions and experiences

For small businesses, Microsoft Business Central is an important tool that can help streamline their processes through easy workflows. From automating day-to-day admin tasks to increasing efficiency of employees, including the sales team, Business Central is worth investing in.

Say, if your sales representative gets an email from a customer seeking a tailored quote on one of your products. Business Central will easily recognize the customer, and help your salesperson easily pull up the info card within Outlook and review the account. And once, the quote generation is complete, all information related to the product and the customer auto-populates, enabling the sales rep to get the job done faster than before.

Now say, while the sales rep is sending the sales quote to the customer, a note hits their inbox from a potential customer. Conventionally, this may be challenging. But D365 Business Central jumps to rescue as the system prompts the potential customer to add their email address and necessary info needed to add them to the customer database. So while the sales rep is on Outlook, dealing with the quote of another customer, they are able to create the next customer’s profile on the Dynamics 365 app. Such automation reduces time spent on tasks, allowing your employees to respond promptly and improve customer relations.

4. Better decision making with simpler reporting

Dynamic 365 Business Central is one of the best tools of the modern times that simplifies reporting, reduces data entry errors, and streamlines month-end closure. Since data from all business functions are stored on one single platform, you can also get an end-to-end view of your business’ performance. To make it more efficient Microsoft Power BI, which integrates the platform, will perform deep-dive analysis for you.

You can get fresh insights, spot trends and patterns as the system analyzes data through custom dashboards and rich visual elements. This, of course, is exclusive to D365 Business Central and something you may not receive while analyzing standard reports. Now should we say more? You can take informed decisions for your business and take data-driven and appropriate action to improve revenue and performance.

More about Dynamics 365 Business Central

If you yearn to stand out from the crowd, your business has to make every minute count. It’s time to take the next step to introduce your processes, people and systems to the cloud and pave the way to success. As a Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner, Nevas Technologies is at your command to recommend the best for your business and its growth. Contact us today!

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